Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®), developed by Marisa Peer, is a distinctive therapeutic approach and a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience, that offers fast, effective and permanent results by combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP (Neuro-lingustic programming) and CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy).
RTT® delivers extraordinary and permanent change from physical, emotional and psychological pain by accessing our core beliefs, values, habits and emotions that reside in the subconscious. We have all tried the willpower trick, the promises to ourselves, the affirmations, accountability and new year’s resolutions. Why don't they work?
For a habit of action to take root, you must FIRST change your habit of thought. The way the mind works is that the conscious mind (the logical, rational part) often gets overridden by thoughts and beliefs within the subconscious mind.
By rapidly rewiring the neural pathways of the brain, RTT® replaces our out-dated belief systems and negative patterns of behaviour. New life-affirming beliefs are formed and the healing process begins, using the power of our vast and rich subconscious.
RTT® offers unparalleled results because it works rapidly and bypasses the need for continuous therapy sessions. A single 2 hours session can achieve powerful results for a range of physical, psychological and emotional issues and it can be applied to both children and adults. More complicated issues and conditions may require up to three sessions.
Rapid Transformational Therapy® has been proven to successfully treat the following issues:
- Addictions - alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling
- Anxiety and Depression
- Anorexia and Bulimia
- Confidence and Self-esteem
- Achieving Goals, Motivation
- Fears and Phobias
- Grief and Trauma
- Stress, Nerves
- Physical and Chronic pain, Migraines
- Relationships, Sexual Problems
- Weight Problems
- Many other issues